Events & Logistics

Venue finding

Let us find the perfect place for your event. Our expertise will help you to chose the correct venue. Product launches, fashion shows, Cinema Premiers, driving experiences, benefic gala dinners or award events. Our portfolio will open you to great ideas and opportunities.


Product Launch

We have done different product launches for motor, cosmetics, online sellers and others who were very happy with our support pre-event, in situ and post event.


Team Building

Team experts in preparing activities from 20 to 2000 people if that is your case. Our team works with creativity to adapt your necessities and interests to the activity and work to be done. Unique experiences in unique places that you will find only working with Wedgewood.


Production and Themed

Surprise your clients with a great production for your event. Spanish themed dinners, zarzuela singers, Andalusian horses dancing, international singers… all your wishes will become true.


Sport Events

F1, Marathon, Champion League, we are used to take your incentive to this events but also to create an sport event for you like a company marathon or a car race. Why not?


Staff & Transportation Logistics

Extensive experience in contracting external staff like hostesses for your congress or convention. Also transportation logistics with events of more than 2500 people.